I spent a few hours in my studio today working on some more small pieces. I’m not sure if you can see it in the picture but they painting that is laying flat has a serious amount of texture. There must be 10 layers of paint on that little canvas!
Recent Paintings
Here are a couple of small recent paintings. Sometimes I get the urge to paint something other than flowers but I always come back to florals.
Available 4/19 at 10 AM EST - Five Paintings
It’s been way too long since I’ve released any new work so tomorrow I’m adding five new small floral paintings to my website. This will likely be the only release before Mother’s Day if you want to snag one for a unique one of a kind Mother’s Day gift!
New Series of Small Flower Paintings by Elle Byers
These are definitely some of my favorite florals from my latest series of small paintings.
New Small Flower Painting
The painting on the right is a new small floral piece I painted this week. It’s 8x10 inches and will be available on my website soon! If you saw my last post about mixing your own orange paint, you’ll see that I used the paint I mixed for this piece.
31 Paintings in 31 Days - Blossoming No.4
Here she is! Painting number 4 in the series.
Blossoming No. 2
Here is mini painting number 2 in my 31 days of painting challenge. Blossoms No. 2.